Brewer’s Yeast powder


450 g/ 500 g
6 pcs
80 boxes
Brewer’s Yeast, a natural product produced during beer production. It is source of B vitamins, vitamin E, minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zink, iodine), amino acids, fibre and proteins. They are known as ‘vitamin bomb’. Our brewer’s yeast are completely free from alcohol and preservatives. Depending on the used, preparations made of dried brewer’s yeast are characterized by a fairly high level of bitterness in the range of 60-80 BU/ 100 g (BU – bitter units). Our brewer;s yeast are avaliable in two versions: non-bitter and bitter-free, with a reduced gory substance content.
For whom brewer’s Yeast?
- for teenagers with acne and pimples,
- for people who can easily get lip sores,
- for women with brittle nails,
- for people wit weak and folling out hair,
- for overworked people,
- for people who are exhausted mentally,
- for people on convalescence.
It is enough to mix 2 tablespoons brewer;s yeast with water or juice, drink once, maximum twice a day. Brewer’s yeast have specific, intense taste, this is why we recommend adding honey or sugar.
It is recommended drinking brewer’s yeast regularly for 3 weeks. After that, you need to make a one week break. Later you can drink them again.