
Aronia products
Every product we can pack for You in a retail package under our brand or under Your private label. Contact with us, to get more details.
Aronia is called as ‘black treasure’, it has special combination of ingredients and values, which are creating a ‘vitamin bomb’, reach in:
- vitamins: C, B1, B2, B6, P, PP, E i A;
- minerals: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, molybdenum iodine, cobalt, boron;
- polyphenols: anthocyanins, procyanidins, phenolic acids;
- tannis;
- pectins;
- fibre;
- proteins;
- carbohydrates.

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and take care of your health!

Aronia – Mega Antioxidant!

Anthocyanins contained in aronia:
- Fight off free radicals which in excessive number harm DNA and may transform normal cells into cancer cells
- Reduce high blood pressure which contributes to cardiovascular disease.
- Prevent accumulation of cholesterol in arteries
- Slow down skin aging process, strengthen blood vessel and protect the skin from UV radiation
- Help to regulate sugar level and have anti-diabetic properties
- Slow down the mental aging process, improve memory and learning
- Help in eye regeneration as anthocyanins speed up rhodopsin production responsible for visual acuity. Recommended for people working in front of a computer.

Organic Aronia Juice 100% NFC
Produced only from carefully selected ripe organic berries, not from concentrate. Pasteurized in low temperatures to maintain maximum flavor and nutrient content. Our Organic Aronia Juice is a great dose of antioxidants and vitamins. Drink 100 ml daily to keep your body and health in a perfect condition.
0,3 / 0,7l
24 / 6 pcs
48 / 80 boxes

Organic aronia juice NFC Bag in Box
NFC juice means, Not From Concentrate. It is pasteurized at the lowest possible temperatures, with no addition of sugar, preservatives and any other additions. For juice production we are using only organic fruits from our family, certified plantation.
3 l
1 pcs
196 boxes

Organic Aronia Juice Concentrate
1 kg of aronia juice concentrate was produced from 6 kg of fresh organic aronia berries. Aronia Juice Concentrate is 65 brix, has lots of nutritional values and contains no added sugar, artificial additives or colorings. Simply mix 10 ml of concentrate with 200 ml of water, fruit juice or tea and enjoy its great taste. Try it also with muesli or yogurt.
0,1 / 0,5 l
49 / 12 sztuk
24 / 64 kartonów

Organic Aronia Jam
Organic Aronia Jam contains only natural ingredients, no preservatives and no sugar added! To enrich the taste of Aronia Jam we sweetened it with organic apple juice. 100 g of jam was made from 60 g organic aronia berries. Try spreading the Aronia Jam on your morning croissant. Also add it to your morning oatmeal or to homemade cakes or muffins.
225 g
24 pcs
56 boxes

Natural Aronia Honey
Perfect combination of natural Polish honey and organic Polish aronia berries. Great taste and double dose of health in one jar. Aronia Honey doesn’t have very strong honey smell or taste so it is also great for those who are not big fans of the traditional honey.
Boost you immune system and improve your health with Aronia Honey.
250 g
50 pcs
30 boxes

Organic Aronia Freeze Dried Powder
Organic Aronia Powder is freeze dried in a modern machinery park in which the process is conducted by evaporating water from fruits in low temperatures. Freeze drying preserves a maximum amount of nutritional values and taste. Organic Aronia Powder is a great antioxidant which fights off free radicals and helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases or skin aging.
30 / 100 g / 7,5 kg
192 / 75 / 2 pcs
192 / 75 / 2 boxes

Organic Aronia Fiber
Micronized Aronia Fiber is a natural dietary supplement which improves the digestion and peristalsis. The micronization process increases active surface of fiber, providing greater efficiency. Fiber easily absorbs the water what helps to fill the stomach and provides a feeling of satiety – reducing the feeling of hunger. Micronized Aronia Fiber perfectly supports weight loss.
150 g
50 pcs
36 boxes

Organic Dried Aronia Berries
Perfect combination of sweet and tart taste makes Organic Dried Aronia Berries an excellent snack. Also perfect for baking or mixing into salad, yogurt or cereal. Gently dried berries are rich in essential nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins.
100 g / 25 kg
75 pcs
36 boxes / 34 bags

Organic Dried Aronia Berries in Chocolate
We prepare each chocolate aronia berry with due diligence and care. The perfect combination of Aronia and dark chocolate is the powerful source of antioxidants which can improve health and lower risk of heart disease. Aronia and dry chocolate can promote good eyes health and protect them from further damage.
160 g / 10 kg
75 pcs
36 boxes / 50 bags

Candied Aronia Berries
To enrich Aronia taste we coated it in delicate organic sugar. Sweet taste and antioxidant properties make it a perfect snack on the go or at home. Try also mixing aronia berries with nuts and other dried fruits and surprise your guests with a healthy, tasty snack.
160 g / 10 kg
75 pcs
36 boxes / 50 bags

Frozen Aronia Berries
The process of freezing is conducted right after harvesting and fruit sorting. We choose only best quality, ripe Aronia Berries. They are perfect to make your own organic juice or any other type of tasty organic Aronia products.
25 kg
34 boxes

Organic Jerusalem artichoke powder
Helianthus tuberosus, known also as Jerusalem artichoke or ground pear, is originally from North America. Initially it was used only as a forage plant, nowadays is one of the most popular superfoods, and its values are more and more appreciate, also by type II diabets.
120 g/7,5 kg
50/2 pcs
36/30 boxes

Organic hibiscus in powder
Hibiscus also known as a chinese rose or the flower of the Sudan mallow, i san exotic plant, which exhibits a lot of health-promoting and caring properties. Thanks to richness of vitamin C, polyphenols, anthocyanins and flavanoids, it is appreciate not only in natural medicine but also in the cosmetic industry.
30 g/100 g/7,5 kg
192/25/2 pcs
36/30/30 boxes

Organic rosehip in powder
Ripe rosehip fruits are perfect source of vitamin C, which supports our organism in genral states of fatigue, strengthening immune system. It also soothes sore throat and is anti-inflammatory.
150 g/7,5 kg
50/2 pcs
36/30 boxes

Brewer’s Yeast powder
Brewer’s Yeast are the best for skin problems. They will manage with seizures, acne and blackheads. They will strengthen your hair – they will become stronger and will not be greasy. Brewer’s Yeast contains a whole range of vitamins B, and also vitamin C and E (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E) and minerals ((Si, Zn, Cr, Mg, P, K, Fe, Se).
450 g/ 500 g
6 pcs
80 boxes

Organic young barley grass juice powder
Barley grass juice powder is a source of vitamin V, potassium, iron and magnesium. It also shows antioxidant, anti-cancer, antibacterial and antiviral properties.
100 g/7,5 kg
50/2 pcs
36/30 boxes

Young barley grass
Young barley is is a richness of vitamins, which support our immune system. Besides vitamin C, it contains also vitamin E, vitamin from B group (B1, B2, B6), and also folic acid, which is really important for pregnant women.
500 g/7,5 kg
20/2 pcs
36/30 boxes

Organic gummies with apple juice
BIO gummy bears are produced in a natural and organic way, without artificial dyes and flavours. They contain natural apple aroma and concentrate from organic apples.
160 g/15 kg
75/1 pcs
36/32 boxes

Organic apple fibre
Apple fibre is in 100% fibre from organic, micronized apple pomace. It is low in caloreis and fat. Diet rich in fibre allows you to maintain the proper level of cholesterol and glucose in the blood. Moreover it prevents constipation.
100 g/7,5 kg
50/2 pcs
36/30 boxes

Oat fibre
Oat fibre is in 100% fibre from cleaned oat grains. It is low in caloreis and fat. Diet rich in fibre allows you to maintain the proper level of cholesterol and glucose in the blood. Moreover it prevents constipation.
110 g/7,5 kg
50/2 pcs
36/30 boxes

Cocoa fibre
Cocoa fibre is in 100% fibre from roasted cocoa husks. It is low in caloreis and fat. Diet rich in fibre allows you to maintain the proper level of cholesterol and glucose in the blood. Moreover it prevents constipation.
100 g/7,5 kg
50/2 pcs
36/30 boxes

Lemon balm extract powder
The main component of lemon bal is essential oil, which exhibits bacteriostatic and spasmolytic activities, which supports nervous system. In addition, rosmarinic acid is an aingredient, which shows antioxidant properties, supporting fights againts free radicals and oxidative stress.
30 g/ 7,5 kg
192/2 pcs
36/30 boxes

Organic hibiscus in petals
Thanks to richness of vitamin C and antioxidants, hibiscus helps destroy free radicals and may delay the aging process of the skin. You can drink it as a delicious tea or use as an ingredient of nourishing masks.
1 kg/20 kg
10/1 pcs
36/20 boxes

Organic milk thistle in powder
Organic milk thistle, grounded, defatted is a dietary suplement and a source of silimarin, which protects, first of all, the liver. It supports digestion and helps maintain the proper sugar level in blood.
300 g / 1 kg / 7,5 kg
16 / 13 / 2 pcs
80 / 30 / 30 boxes

Bee pollen
Bee pollen is over 250 beneficial substances, including vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates and aminoacids. It contains all nutrients necessary to support life. Therefore it i san excellent complement to any diet.
160 g/20 kg
75/1 pcs
36/25 boxes

Freeze-dried apple in cubes
Our freeze-dried apple in cubes is prepeared form natural and organic fruits, carefully selected from polish farmers. It doesn’t contain sugar addition, preservatives, dyes o rany artificial additives.
120 g / 30 kg
40 / 1 pcs
36 / 8 boxes

Freeze-dried apple in powder
Freeze-dreid apple is richness of vitamins, minerals and fibre, which is prepared from carefully selected fruits from organic fields. Vitamin C supports immune system, vitamin A supports nails and vitamin K supports the blood clotting process.
100 g / 7,5 kg
25 / 2 pcs
30 boxes

Freeze-dried Aronia
Excellent source of polyphenols which may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and strengthen capillaries which help normal circulation of the blood and may reduce the risk of various heart diseases.
30 / 100 g / 7,5 kg
192 / 75 / 2 pcs
192 / 75 / 2 boxes

Freeze-dried Lingonberry
Excellent source of polyphenols which may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and strengthen capillaries which help normal circulation of the blood and may reduce the risk of various heart diseases.
30 / 100 g / 7,5 kg
192 / 75 / 2 pcs
192 / 75 / 2 boxes

Freeze-dried Bilberry
Anthocyanins of bilberry play the crucial role in increasing visual ability, they protect eyes from destructive UV computer radiation. Bilberries have strong anti-inflammatory properties that may be helpful in controlling symptoms related to rheumatoid arthritis.
30 / 100 g / 7,5 kg
192 / 75 / 2 pcs
192 / 75 / 2 boxes

Freeze-dried Blackberry
High amounts of antioxidants in blackberries have positive influence on skin by delaying skin aging process. Vitamin E helps in maintaining the health of skin fats and prevents the skin from wrinkles, vitamin C combats effects of free radicals.
30 / 100 g / 7,5 kg
192 / 75 / 2 pcs
192 / 75 / 2 boxes

Freeze-dried Blackcurrant
Exceptionally rich source of vitamin C and anthocyanins makes the blackcurrant an anti-inflammatory agent, it also improves the overall immune system. Flavonoids of blackcurrant helps to remove dangerous toxins from our body and may prevent cholesterol accumulation.
30 / 100 g / 7,5 kg
192 / 75 / 2 pcs
192 / 75 / 2 boxes

Freeze-dried Strawberry
Strawberries are an excellent source of antioxidants. They may help to lower high blood pressure which can reduce risk of heart disease. Strawberries can be beneficial for blood sugar control.
30 / 100 g / 7,5 kg
192 / 75 / 2 pcs
192 / 75 / 2 boxes

Freeze-dried Raspberry
Raspberries’ sweet taste, rich color and antioxidant power make them one of the most popular berries. Raspberries may improve memory thanks to flavonoids they contain and as powerful antioxidant they fight off free radicals in the body.
30 / 100 g / 7,5 kg
192 / 75 / 2 pcs
192 / 75 / 2 boxes

Freeze-dried Elderberry
High content of anthocyanins, which are responsible of berry dark color, makes it another great source of antioxidants. Elderberry can reduce number of new wrinkles and keep your skin in peak condition.
30 / 100 g / 7,5 kg
192 / 75 / 2 pcs
192 / 75 / 2 boxes

Freeze Dried Powders
They provide daily dose of antioxidants and vitamins which are essential to keep your body in a healthy condition.


Superfood is a term for 100% natural, unprocessed and low-calories products, which contain a lot off ingredients and values, affecting on human body in rejuvenating and healing way.