Organic apple fibre


100 g/7,5 kg
50/2 pcs
36/30 boxes
Apple fibr eis obtained from organic, micronized apple pomace. The product doesn’t contain preservatives, anti-caking agents and other chemicals. it is 100% natural product that is called a ‘natural helper’ in the fight against excess weight. It helps to reduce appetite, gives a feeling of fullness and accelerates intestinal peristalsis. It is also a natural prebiotic that supports the development of the intestinal micorflora.
For whom apple fibre?
- for people on a diet,
- for those who want to maintain proper body weight,
- for people with congestions,
- for those, who want to cleanse their organism.
You should start taking fibre from 2 teaspoons daily and gradually increase the dose, accuratly for your organism. Do not exceed daily dose 20 g!
Do not eat dry. Add fibre to juice, water, fruit smoothie or porridge.