Organic Aronia Juice 100% NFC

Aronia products

0,3 / 0,7l
24 / 6 pcs
48 / 80 boxes
In our offer you will find healthy and tasty aronia juice, which is produced in 100% from organic fruits. If you choose good products consciously every day and you take care for your health or you want to provide wealthy eating habits in to your diet, you need to reach for natural aronia juice without sugar. All fruits used for juice production are from organic fields – we grow them with care and passion, till they are ripe. As a producer, we can assure you that aronia juice is proper not only for adults but also for children.
Our juice is delicious even though it doesn’t contain sugar. It is 100% natural product – during production proces we are not using harmful for our health pesticides or chemicals. In every bottle you will find concentrated richness of ripe aronia flavour. Our juices not only taste great, but also efficiently contribute to the improvement of your and your family health. It is perfect option for smuggling a lot of vitamins for your family members!
For whom aronia juice?
- for those who like sunbathing,
- for people with hypertension and atherosclerosis,
- for office workers, software designers and every person who works every day infront of the computer,
- for children and adults
Recommended daily dose for teenagers and adults is 100-300 ml. It can be used strictly from the package.