Organic Dried Aronia Berries

Aronia products

100 g / 25 kg
75 pcs
36 boxes / 34 bags
Dried aronia i san excellent snack by itself (ideal for evening meal) and at the same time, it is perfect addition for cakes, salads, bread, natural yoghurt, porridges or vanilla pudding. Subjected to a gentle drying, aronia is in 100% a valuable product, rich in polyphenols and vitamins, which are really valuable for our body.
As a producer, we can guarantee, that dried aronia has maximum of Nutrition values and vitamins, which are necessary for a proper organism work. It is product, which is highly recommended for people with anaemia, for children and adults and for all of those, who have problems with circulatory system. Regular use of this antioxidant, guarantees a noticable improvement in health.
For whom dried aronia?
- for children and adults,
- for diabetics,
- for people with hypertension and atherosclerosis,
- for people with pancreas and liver problems.
How to use dried aronia?
It i san excellent snack, which you can eat directly from the package. It is healthy addition to salads, meats and desserts.