Organic young barley grass juice powder


100 g/7,5 kg
50/2 pcs
36/30 boxes
Barley grass juice powder is a diet suplement, which contains a lot of active ingredients. It has much of chlorophyll, vitamins from B group, C, E, K vitamins, iron, mangesium, calcium, amino acids and fibre. Barley grass shows antioxidative properties (to fight with free radicals), anti-cancer, anti bacetrial, anti-viral and anti-inflammantory.
Because the product is squeezed out from the chains of young barley, can be dissolved in 100% in water, and active substances will be easily released and absorbed by the body.
For whom young barley grass?
- for people on a crash diet,
- for elderly people,
- for people with anaemia,
- for people with acne and skin ulcers
- for people with pain in joints.
Twice a day dissolve 1,5 teaspoons in chilly water or juice and drink 30 minutes before meal. You can add it also to yoghurt, porridge and coctail.